Water park schedule and weather conditions

Our team is excited to welcome you as of June 15th, 2024!

June 15th to June 23rd: 10am to 5pm

June 24th to August 18th: 10 am to 6:30pm

Exceptionally, we will close at 5pm on June 29.

August 19th to August 25th and August 31st to September 2nd: 10am to 5pm

Un petit garçon portant des lunettes de soleil qui fait une grimace
Une femme qui se fait bronzer

The impact of weather on the waterslides’ function

We all wish we could enjoy a warm and sunny summer. Unfortunately, Mother Nature doesn’t always agree. Since the weather is out of our control, we sometimes have to interrupt our activities for a short period of time, or even for the day. Light rain does not affect the water park’s operations. However, if the rain becomes heavier and decreases the visibility of the aquatic facilities monitored by our lifeguards, a temporary closure of the facilities may occur. In the event of a thunderstorm, the attractions must remain closed for 30 minutes after the last thunderclap to ensure the safety of bathers. The attractions will then be restarted.